What to expect during your stay

We know that staying with us is not something most people look forward to…we’re not offended! But still, we want to ensure that your stay is as enjoyable as it can possibly be. Besides the excellent and compassionate care you will receive, there are a number of features and options and resources we offer to make you feel (at least somewhat) at home.

About Staying at WHGH


The hospital has a limited number of semi-private and private rooms. The hospital will do its best to admit you to the type of accommodation you request. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Private rooms are often used for patients who need to be isolated for medical reasons or to provide patients and their family's privacy and dignity when death is expected. Sometimes patients who were admitted before you occupy these rooms.

Room Amenities

Telephones are available in most patient rooms. Incoming calls are not permitted between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. To make a local call, dial “9" wait for the dial tone and then dial the local phone number. For long-distance calls, dial “0" for assistance.

If you have arranged telephone service, your family and friends can call you directly by dialing 905-768-3311 and entering the extension shown on your phone followed by the # sign.

Entertainment and TV rental services are available bedside. Complete the order form at the nurses’ station and your television will be installed when one is available. Televisions are also available in the sunrooms.

Nutrition and Food Services

Our Nutrition and Food Services Team is dedicated to provide safe and high-quality food service to promote optimum health for the patients. Our team also provides nutritious meals to visitors through the Cafeteria.

The Manager on-site oversees the operations of the Nutrition and Food Services department and is an active member in good standing with the Canadian Society of Nutrition Management.

The cafeteria is located on the main floor, across from the front entrance.
Cafeteria hours are 7:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. for staff, visitors, patients and the public.
Hot meals are served Monday-Friday from 12:00-1:30, muffins, salads and sandwiches available daily.

Meals on Wheels
We supply hot food for Meals-on-Wheels to our surrounding community. If more information is required please contact Senior Support at 905-768-3076

Our menu is a 9-day cycle menu and it is developed in consultation with a Registered Dietitian based on the Canada's Food Guide.
Upon admission an individual nutritional plan is developed in collaboration with the Doctor, RD and Nurses.

Food Safety
Public Health requires that all food service workers have an up to date Food Handlers’ Certificate.

Nursing Care

Nursing care is provided by Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses 24 hours a day. They are responsible for assessing your health needs and coordinating your care with other health care professionals. You may summon help from your nurse by ringing the call bell by your bed.

Chaplain/Pastoral Care

You may request to see your minister (priest) by asking your nurse. The Community Health Representative (CHR) is available 24 hours for aboriginal patients.

Please inform the staff if there is any special cultural or religious need during your hospital stay. WHGH does have a policy to allow for an aboriginal smudging ceremony for our aboriginal patients.