Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging (DI) refers to the technology used by physicians to look inside your body and gain a better understanding or look for clues about medical symptoms. At West Haldimand General Hospital, all diagnostic examinations are performed by highly-trained technologists and radiologists.
The Diagnostic Imaging Department at WHGH provides the following services:
- Mammography – Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP)
- General X-ray
- Ultrasound
- Electrocardiograms
- Holter monitors
The Diagnostic Imaging Department is located on the first floor of the hospital with the reception desk located across from the elevators.
- There is 24-hour coverage of the x-ray department for emergency exams and inpatients.
- The hours for routine exams are between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday – Friday.
- Appointments are required for all procedures.
- Please remember we must have a completed requisition prior to booking any exams.
- Please remember to bring your health card with you to all appointments.
Booking Appointments
- Please contact our booking office for more information at 905-768-3311 Ext 1142.
- For OBSP Appointments — 905-768-3311 ext.1116
- Diagnostic Imaging Manager — Erin McNeice — 905-768-3311 ext. 1153
- Fax Number — 905-768-3486
A physician’s referral is required for all tests and procedures performed with the exception of the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP).
Click here to download the Diagnostic Imaging Referral form.
Women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant should notify their referring physician and the technologist before proceeding with any diagnostic imaging examination.