Join Us in Targeted Fundraising for Vital Healthcare Improvements

Please support us as we focus our fundraising efforts where they are needed most. Through engaging campaigns and events, the West Haldimand Hospital and Healthcare Foundation (WHHHF) raises funds dedicated to enhancing healthcare services.

Priority Equipment Acquisition: Impacting Healthcare Directly

Funds raised by the WHHHF play a crucial role in supporting the purchase of priority equipment at West Haldimand Hospital. Your contributions directly contribute to improving the hospital’s capabilities.

Navigating Pandemic Recovery: Anticipating Increased Healthcare Demands

As the hospital enters the “pandemic recovery” phase, we anticipate a surge in surgeries and procedures that were delayed due to lockdowns. Additionally, the Foundation expects to address patients with more critical conditions, resulting from postponed treatments during this unprecedented time.

Community-Powered Support: The Backbone of WHHHF

The Foundation relies on the generous support of the community to raise much-needed funds. Contributions come from personal, business, and corporate donations, as well as through special events and annual giving.

Volunteer Governance: Ensuring Better Healthcare Facilities

Governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors, the Foundation ensures that resources are directed towards better hospital facilities and enhanced healthcare in the community.

Unlocking Priority Funding: Empowering Healthcare Leaders

The Foundation aims to significantly increase priority funding and provide the hospital with the invaluable gift of unrestricted funding. Unrestricted funds empower healthcare leaders to address WHGH’s most urgent needs and allocate resources to top priorities.

Gratitude to Our Community Champions

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our community event partners and supporters who are instrumental in making a positive difference.