Addiction and Mental Health Services

Almost 30% of Ontarians will experience a mental health or addiction problem at some point in their lives.

If you or someone you love is feeling anxious, depressed, stressed, or is in a crisis, please reach out for help. No one has to go through this alone.

Someone is always there to listen.

Here is a list of local resources:

Important numbers:

Book an appointment with your family doctor or nurse practitioner

Your family doctor or nurse practitioner can evaluate your situation, talk to you about treatment options and refer you to a community mental health and addictions service provider.

If you don’t already have one, here’s help for finding a family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Talk to a registered nurse right now

Visit Health Connect Ontario or call 811 to speak to a registered nurse. The nurse can help you with any health matters, including depression, anxiety or other mental health or addiction concerns.

Health Connect Ontario is a free, secure and confidential service you can call or access online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get health advice from a registered nurse or find health services or information.

Get advice from a helpline

ConnexOntario is a directory of community mental health and addictions services in Ontario. You can connect with someone for information and referral to services in your community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by:

On the ConnexOntario website you can find locations and hours for some of these services and information on:

  • Rapid Access Addiction Medicine clinics
    • no appointment or referral is needed to get help, including prescriptions for opioid agonist therapies (such as suboxone or methadone) and counselling referrals if you don’t have a primary care provider

Anyone can call

Helpline staff members welcome calls from anyone – whether your concern is about yourself or someone you care about. More than 25% of helpline calls come from family members or concerned friends.

Coping With COVID-19

Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming. It is normal to feel worried and stressed. If you or someone you know is struggling, resources listed here may help

In-person drug and alcohol support Consumption and treatment services

Find consumption and treatment services near you.

Local resources

Holmes House

Helpful Resources

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